The love of letterpress

A recent visit to a friend’s home was a much anticipated event. Not just for the great company and excellent food we were promised, but for the opportunity to see something she owns. After warm welcomes all around, I looked around to see if I can spot it. There...

Free fonts?

A colleague recently asked me about the availability of free fonts and heard a rumour that fonts are in fact covered by a licence. She heard correctly, fonts are licenced software. That is how font designers earn a living, by selling a licence. It’s just like...

Rules were made to be broken

When I began in this business, it quickly became clear that there are fundamental rules in graphic design. Things like, certain fonts should not be combined, don’t use too many fonts, conservative businesses use conservative colours, make good use of white...

The power of colour

Close your eyes and imagine you are in a house. Each room has been decorated differently. The first room you enter is decorated with white and yellow with bright blue and green accents and white furniture. What is the mood? Bright and fresh and summery. The next room...